Monday, July 20, 2009

Lesotho Update

Dear Praying Friends,

We are still having some technical problems being able to send out e-mails to large groups.  While we are trying to resolve those, we will at least put a prayer update on our blog.

  • Though Stephanie still has complications with the pregnancy, praise the Lord that the baby is doing fine and that she is out of the hospital still.  Also praise the Lord for the Louws who have graciously taken us into their home while we must stay near the hospital in Bloemfontein.  As you think of it, pray God's rich blessing on these dear Christians.
  • Glenn went back to Lesotho on Saturday and found the ladies of the Matukeng church holding a fasting and prayer service.  We are very encouraged with the way some of the Christians are growing spiritually!
  • Please continue to pray for Stephanie and the baby.  The doctor made it very clear that the situation is dangerous and that Stephanie was be within minutes of the hospital and take life VERY easy.  She can be out of bed, but not out of the house.
  • Pray against a concerted attack by Satan against the pastors in Lesotho.  Some of them are growing spiritually and doing very well, but others are really struggling.  Please pray particularly for one pastor who is going through some very difficult times spiritually and  in his home.
  • A tent meeting is in progress this week in the town of Roma near the church.  Pray that God will unite the believers through this effort and bring sinners to salvation. 
Thank you so much for the tremendous prayer support we have experienced since Stephanie began having problems.  We deeply appreciate it and we can feel God working!

Glenn, Stephanie, and Kaitlyn Gault
Hope International Missions

1 comment:

Danny,Liz,Becca,Ben, Abby and Caleb said...

Glad to hear that Steph is still out of the hospital! Will continue to keep you all in our prayers...