Monday, October 7, 2013

The Snake Dance Illustration

Living and ministering in a different culture has lots of challenges, but there are rewards, too!  One of the things I enjoy in Lesotho is the sermon illustrations.  They often provide a quick glimpse into a life and culture that is very different from what most people experience in America.

Last Wednesday at our Bible Study at Matukeng, we were talking about the importance of every member of the congregation.  We were especially focusing on the importance of each person using their gifts and talents to minister to the rest of the body of Christ.
Kali Nthabi and his wife, Manthabi

To illustrate, Rev. Kali Nthabi shared an experience from his ministry.  One night at the end of a tent meeting service he invited anyone who was sick to come forward for special prayer.  A man came forwards from the crowd, and Pastor Kali went to him lay hands on him and pray for his healing.  He spoke quietly to the man to find out how to pray more specifically, then asked everyone to close their eyes while he prayed.  As all heads bowed in respect, and Nt. Kali placed his hands on the man's head to pray, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a snake slither under the side curtain into the tent right beside him.  Without missing a beat he began praying for the ailing gentleman while at the same time trampling the serpent to death with his feet.  No one else ever noticed anything amiss!

The point of the illustration?  Every part of the body is important and has it's own functions to carry out.  With his lips he prayed to God for healing.  With his hands he symbolically confered God's blessing on the sick man.  And perhaps most importantly, he killed the snake with his feet!  All these functions were very important to the growth of God's Kingdom.  As believers we must work together with this same unity of purpose and spirit!


Anonymous said...

Thanks. That's great.

Paul Alexander said...

Great Illustration! Thanks for sharing.