Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Aquarium Keepers or Fishers of Men?

The following quotation has really made me think:

"Watch out for the signs of a dying Christian life.  Ask yourself, Am I sharing my faith?  Do I have only Christian friends?  Do I hang around the dead, the diseased, and the lost?  If you and the members of your church have forsaken your duty to reach back into the world, I can promise you your church will start to divide, to backbite, and to fight over nonessential Chrtian issues like hymnal selection and carpet colors.  You will become keepers of a Christian aquarium instead of fishers of men.  Your church will be on the way to spiritual death.  In fact, I can prophesy in any church or to any believer without fear of being in error that if you choose not to evangelize, individually or collectively, your church will fossilize."

   --William Fay in Share Jesus Without Fear

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Camping with Kaitlyn

This first week of January has given us a little time to rest, catch up, and spend some time together as a family after a very busy November and December.  This week I (Glenn) took Kaitlyn camping on a mountain on the van der Merwe's farm.  S.W. van der Merwe joined us just before dark and left again early in the morning to bale alfalfa on their farm.  Sorry I didn't 
get a picture of him.  We had a lot of fun. 

We slept right up at the top of this mountain in the picture.  There is an overhanging cliff hidden by trees just under the top of the mountain. 

We had a campfire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.  You can see the overhanging cliff here.

The sunset was just incredible!

This is the van der Merwe's farm from up on top.  They own more than 1800 acres but most of it is leased at the moment.  S.W. has around 100 head of beef cows on their part.  He keeps really busy raising enough food for them for the winters.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Overview of December

December was busy, but enjoyable.  Here are several pictures showing some of the activities of the month.

Thabiso, Kaitlyn's friend, graduated from preschool on Dec. 3.

Kaitlyn and Thabiso with his mother, 'Me Manthabi, back home after the graduation

The girls had fun decorating the Christmas tree one night.

On Dec. 17 and 18, we attended the wedding of Bro. Majola, one of the pastors in Lesotho, and Sis. Pinkie, one of the church youth.
The new couple, Ntate Majola and 'Me MaT'soanelo

It was nice to celebrate Christmas with the other missionaries on Dec. 24.

On Christmas Day the Church of the Bible Covenant had a one-day conference.

Shepherd boys singing at the conference

January 1 was a special service at Matukeng with people from 3 congregations attending.

After the service, there was a feast to honor Thabiso's graduation.