Monday, June 3, 2013

Prayer and Praise Update

Dear Praying Friends,
Your prayers DO make a difference. Thank you for your faithfulness!

  • While the clinic is being renovated here at Matukeng, we are having church
    in a tent. This has some challenges! Last Sunday a snake came into the tent during the sermon and caused quite an uproar. (I'm still not sure, but I think it was not dangerous to humans. At least no one was bit!) This Sunday when I went out to the service at 10:00am the wind was so strong that side poles were falling down and the side curtains of the tent were blowing off. I was afraid we might not be able to safely hold a service. We prayed for the Lord to stop the wind, and within minutes things were calm. We had a blessed service. It was a clear answer to prayer, and I believe a witness to the new people who are attending.
  • As I just mentioned, we have new people visiting the church here at Matukeng. Praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
  • We thank the Lord that Mr. and Mrs. Howard are safely in Africa. We are enjoying fellowship with them, and I know they are enjoying being with Jeremy and Delani.
  • Two pastors in Lesotho have recently experienced deaths in their extended families. Pray for Rev. Molise and Rev. Majola and their families.
  • Please join us in praying for revival at the Mauersnek congregation in Ladybrand, South Africa.
  • We want to ask for special prayer as we have some very important meetings. Please ask the Lord to give us wisdom and clear direction for the good of His Kingdom.
  • Help us pray for the new people who are visiting and attending the church at Matukeng. Some of them have gotten saved I believe, but others are still evaluating Christ's claims for their lives. Please pray for clear conversions.
"The Lord is...not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9 NKJV

Thank you for praying with us!

Glenn, Stephanie, Kaitlyn, and Kristell Gault
Hope International Missions

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