Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lesotho Update

Dear Praying Friends,
Here's a little prayer and praise update.  Thanks for remembering us.

  • The outreach at Mokhokhong that we asked you to pray for last time went well.  The village is strongly Roman Catholic, but it seemed like a number of people were responding to the Lord.  I'm not sure if any new people got saved, but God helped us plant the seed.  Pray that it will bear much fruit!
  • Please continue praying for Stephanie as she's helping out at the school in Ladybrand.  Since she has no background with the ACE system, there is lots to learn.
  • Back in June a team of young people from South Africa helped us put a ceiling in some rooms at Ha Matala.  There is still some work to finish up this project.  Please pray that this work will go quickly and smoothly.  It seems like our schedule is packed, and it's hard to find a couple days to fit this work in.
  • Please pray a lot for the pastors in Lesotho.  Ask God to revive all of us and give us new vision for His work.

Never forget:  God works when we pray!

In His service,
Glenn, Stephanie, & Kaitlyn Gault
Hope International Missions

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